By Carolyn Myers

As their special day approaches, help mom and dad increase their safety at home by considering some of these recommendations by Home Modification Occupational Therapists. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Adults older than 65 years of age suffer the greatest number of fatal falls (WHO, 2018).” “More than one out of four older people falls each year” (CDC, 2017). One out of five falls results in a serious injury (i.e., broken bone or a head injury) (CDC, 2017).
Falling once doubles the chances of falling again (CDC, 2017).
Personal Factors
- Schedule an eye exam for your loved one if he or she hasn’t had one in the last year (CDC, 2017).
- Schedule an appointment with your loved one’s doctor if he or she has fallen in the last year (CDC, 2017).
- Ask your loved one’s doctor or pharmacist to review his or her prescription and over-the-counter medications to determine if any might cause dizziness, thereby increasing the risk for falls (CDC, 2017).
- Schedule a Home Safety Evaluation with a Home Modification Occupational Therapist.
Entrance to the home
- Low rise steps or ramp
- Handrails on both sides of steps
- Motion activated lights
- Fix uneven areas in sidewalk
- Install non-skid tile entryway to reduce need for a throw rug
- Place a small table or shelf at entrances to place groceries or packages
- Remove throw rugs
- Install a pot filler above stove
- Install under-cabinet lighting
- Place a stool nearby to be used for rest while preparing meals

- Add a chair next to shower/tub for dressing and undressing
- Install hooks near tub to hang clothing
- Add heater in bathroom for comfort
- Install grab bars in the shower and by the toilet
- Comfort height toilet
- Slip resistant flooring
- Add night lights
- Consider installing a bidet to make toileting easier
- Add a chair next to bed for dressing and undressing
- Add portable telephone in bedroom for safety
- Remove throw rugs
- Increase lighting to reduce risk of falls
- Add night lights
- Install bed rail or floor to ceiling pole
Inside stairs
- Handrails on both sides of the stairs
- Install stair lift if appropriate
- Increase lighting over stairs

Long hallway/large homes
- Strategically place chairs throughout home and in long hallways for resting as needed
- Install handrail down hallway
- Increase lighting
- Install motion activated lighting
- Increase lighting
- Place most frequently used items in easily accessible locations
- Remove clutter to reduce risk of falls
These are just a few of the steps you can take to help keep your parents safe in their home for years to come. Contact a Home Modification Occupational Therapist for more ideas!
Written by:
Carolyn Myers, OTR/L, CAPS, ECHM, HMOTA, Safe Surroundings, LLC, Flora, Illinois and Springfield, Missouri
Edited by:
Kathy Subasic, PhD, OTR/L, ECHM, HMOTA, Forever Home, LLC Hartford, CT
CDC (10 Feb, 2017). Important facts about falls.
WHO (16 January, 2018). Falls.