This is an accessible design challenge to anyone who is interested in participating but specifically for the HMOTA class. Here’s the information and the photos, thank you Leslie Lannan for sending this in.
-Owners are mid-70s and want to age in place. One of them is in early stages of Parkinson’s with a right hand (dominant hand) tremor as the main impairment at this time, the other is relatively healthy, both are active.
-the tub is a 1970’s style sunken shower/tub combo with a short term modification of a teak false floor to eliminate having to step down in to the sunken part at this time
-owners are willing to push the window wall out if needed as a last resort for a better design/use of space for potential future use of assistive devices for one or both of them
-owners request his and hers sinks are included in the final design but other than that they don’t have much input at this time.